講演者: 玉井 馨子 (第一三共株式会社 研究開発本部 癌研究所 主任研究員)
日時: 7月4日(木)13:00- 14:30
場所: 医学教育図書棟3階第1講義室
Planned Happenstance
Academia or Industry?
I have performed research as a molecular biologist interested in signal cascade. Past works include elucidating molecular mechanisms of LRP6 as a Wnt receptor. After 11-year stay in the US as a postdoc and subsequently PI, I joined Daiichi Sankyo in Japan three years ago. In this seminar, I will discuss the differences and similarities between the academia and industry, challenges in Pharma industry, as well as academia system in USA.
担当: 西中村教授