Seminar & Symposium

Governmental Seminar

Speaker: Mitsuji Fukumoto (Peshawar-kai)
Title: May Water Save Afghani

Date&Time: 16 Oct. (Thu.) 2014, 16:45-18:15
Venue:  Lecture room1 (3F), Medical Education & Library Building

With Dr. Tetsu Nakamura as a Rep., Peshawar-kai is eagerly devoted to Refugee-healthcare, Irrigation/Civil Engineering and Rural Reconstruction projects.
Our lecturer, Mr. Fukumoto, is a founder of Sekifusha, a publisher of Dr. Nakamura's impressive books. Mr. Fukumoto himself has been involved in Peshawar-kai, since the very beginning of it.

Why don't we explore together to get a clue to "Genuinely Contribute to the World", "Take Global Action Effectively", in this meaningful Seminar!
You, who want to work abroad, who're interested in NPO, NGO, International Institutions, who want to contribute to Healthcare, who are just curious, all of you are most awaited! Bet you Get what you need here.
Peshawar-kai Web-site, English:


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