Ready-made Internship Package, 2014
HIGO Program aims to nurture "Young researchers with state-of-the-art knowledge of Medical sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Social and Cultural Sciences, who deeply understand local society's structure and industry's needs, and can tackle with the specific issues". To achieve its goal, students should reinforce the learnt expertise through in-situ practices, gain pragmatic capability, and accumulate awareness and experiences to refine their sense of responsibility and vocation.
The objective of HIGO Internship is to attain thorough comprehension of the society, vocation and operation through exposure to on-site reality. HIGO Program has implemented orderly arranged internships classified as Administrative, Business and Overseas Internship. However, to respect each student's future prospect, we approve the internships that suit your interest and goal, as "Ready-made Internship Package".
The candidate Package Programs should have adequate quality in Administrative, Business and Overseas spheres, and be assessed in accordance with its duration. (Group 1 Short: 2 weeks or shorter Group2 Long: longer than 2 weeks up to 3months) Each will be judged by its substantiality.
As far as it leads to your future goal, it can be applied to the assessment for support.
【When to Propose】
A/N (At least 1 month before the application deadline settled by each program-host)
【Application should be submitted to】
HIGO Program Office (Advanced Research/Education Promotion Division, Kumamoto University)
【Process towards Approval】
Application forms and documents submitted within the set period will be assessed accordingly. There additionally might be an interview on the content of your proposal in certain instances.
【Number of Acceptable Applicants】
One or two students for each program
Students who belong to the HIGO program of the Master and doctoral courses of Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
【Supportive Bounty Amount】
Supportive amount will be judged according to the content applied. The bounty will be paid only after the completion of the internship program participation.
One credit will be given to the Ready-made Internship Package